Cut Back on Salt for Better Health

Cut Back on Salt for Better Health

Almost half of American adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. High blood pressure makes your heart and blood vessels work harder which, over time, can lead to heart disease and stroke. We all know that a healthy diet and regular...
Which Water Is A Wellness Win?

Which Water Is A Wellness Win?

Stay Hydrated, But Look Out For Whatever Else Is In That Drink Here in Miami, it’s easy to take drinking water for granted. There are almost limitless choices of bottled water varieties available and a seemingly endless supply on tap. And we all know adequate water...
Should You Try Keto?

Should You Try Keto?

The Keto Diet Is Extremely Popular, But May Or May Not Be Right For You Given the faddish nature of diets, the ketogenic—or keto—diet certainly has shown staying power. While we’ve talked about dieting previously, it’s worth taking a closer look specifically at keto...
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