Across the world, an estimated seven million people live with inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD. The two diseases most commonly associated with inflammatory bowel, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are both chronic conditions.
Every year on May 19, World IBD Day raises awareness about these diseases, supporting patients and urging governmental and healthcare action. Associations and organizations worldwide participate in IBD Day, wearing purple ribbons, lobbying, and promoting awareness and understanding.
At The Pickled Beet, we prepare meals that cater to many specific nutritional needs all year long, including complex conditions such as IBD.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBD is a spectrum term that applies to several diseases; each of which can range in severity. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common, and share many of the same symptoms.
The chronic inflammation associated with these conditions can cause all sorts of health problems and symptoms such as intestinal ulcers, pain, and increased risk of colon cancer.
But, there is good news: all IBD-related conditions can be managed with a specialized diet that is unique to each individual and their specific symptoms. The first question we ask at The Pickled Beet when onboarding a new IBD client is if they have identified their trigger foods. If they have, then we make sure to eliminate those ingredients from their meals. If they haven’t, we help them figure out the foods that are causing the most digestive upset so they can minimize their symptoms.

IBD Causes
Scientists and doctors aren’t sure what causes IBD. There appears to be a genetic link – you’re more likely to get IBD if your family has a history of it – but no gene has been isolated as the cause of IBD. There are other commonalities, too. Risk factors for Crohn’s disease, for example, include being caucasian, Eastern European (or of Eastern European descent), living in a developed country, and smoking.
One theory is that Crohn’s disease is the result of a virus or bacteria. Doctors know that patients with Crohn’s disease often have unusual immune systems. They’re not sure if Crohn’s is caused by an immune response, or if a problematic immune response causes Crohn’s. The cause of ulcerative colitis is also unknown – and though the disease isn’t caused by food or stress, both can trigger a flare-up of symptoms.
Diagnosing and Treating IBD
The process of diagnosing IBD can take months and treatment for IBD varies based on the severity of the condition. Physicians often recommend a combination of approaches, including lifestyle and diet changes, antibiotics, and antidiarrheal drugs. Depending on the individual case, surgery is sometimes recommended.
Dealing with IBD can be challenging and The Pickled Beet can help ease the burden by providing meals that are tasty and conform to your unique health demands. You can enjoy food that is both imaginative and helps manage your IBD symptoms with The Pickled Beet’s personal chef services. Complete this food questionnaire and set up your free consultation to get started!
Disclaimer: We are not medical professionals, and the information we have provided is solely for educational purposes and is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult a healthcare professional to address any concerns or questions you may have regarding your diet or overall health. The Pickled Beet is not liable for any risks or issues associated with acting upon the information we have provided.