Enjoy The Fruits That Have More In Common Than Simply Alliteration

Pears, pomegranates, and persimmons, all of which are in peak season right around fall and into winter, add flavor, nutrition and health benefits to any diet.


Perhaps the most widely consumed of this fruity trio, there are almost as many pear varieties as there are ways to serve up the fruit. While the best-tasting pear variety is a matter of personal choice, pears are widely favored for their sweet, smooth flavor. From the classic buttery-sweet taste of the Bartlett pear to the citrusy tang of D’Anjou pears, the nuances are worth exploring.

(To make sure you get the best variety for what you’re serving, check out this handy-dandy guide to pear varieties.)

But pears don’t just taste good; they’re good for you. Pears provide potassium and vitamins C and K, as well as phytonutrients. What’s more, studies indicated pears may regulate alcohol metabolism, protect against ulcers, and lower plasma lipids.

For a memorable pear experience, file this one under not-your-grandmother’s pear recipe: The Peartini, courtesy of the Food Network’s Giada de Laurentiis.


A bit less popular in dishes than pears, pomegranates nevertheless are fast becoming a sought-after superfood. High in antioxidants, vitamin C, and potassium, pomegranates provide fiber and flavor without being high in calories.

Commonly found in desserts and smoothies, pomegranates (French for seeded apple) have a slightly tart, sweet flavor. You can eat the entire pomegranate fruit—even the seeds, where most of the fiber is found.

Want to try something a bit different? How about Eggplant, Pistachio, and Pomegranate Pizza?


The most exotic of the three fruits, persimmons have been cultivated in Asia since ancient times, but are a relative newcomer to North America. In the 1880s, a U.S. ship brought back persimmons from Japan, and today persimmons farmers grow hundreds of varieties in the United States. There are two main varieties of persimmons: the more-common acorn-shaped Hachiya and the Fuyu, which is smaller, flatter, and significantly more edible in the fruit’s firmer state. (But don’t confuse these with the American persimmon, which primarily is used to make a steamed pudding in the U.S. Midwest.)

While the Fuyu persimmon may have a slight taste advantage, all persimmon varieties provide ample nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber, and promote heart health. These fruits are rich in vitamins A and C, and also are a significant source of vitamin B6 and potassium—but be mindful of the carb content; a typical persimmon has about 21 grams of sugar. Another warning: Don’t ever eat an unripe persimmon! While a fully ripe persimmon has a delicately sweet flavor, tasting an unripened persimmon will likely leave your lips puckered from the tannin’s bitterness.

Looking for an alternative to heavy holiday hors d’oeuvres? Try these Endive Cups with Beet, Persimmon, and Marinated Feta.

The Pickled Beet can incorporate just about any kind of seasonal fruit into recipes for our Miami clients. We work with individuals, couples, and families to find meals that are flavorful, healthy, and best fuel the body no matter what nutritional requirements might be part of the equation. Contact us for a free consultation.

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