Nut-Crusted Chicken Cutlets Recipe

Nut-Crusted Chicken Cutlets Recipe

Want a tasty way to add nuts to a healthy and delicious chicken dish? Try this chef-approved recipe: Ingredients:8 chicken cutlets1 cup almonds, roughly chopped4 tablespoon unsalted butter, cut into four pieces1 shallot, minced1 cup panko bread crumbs2 teaspoons lemon...
20 Flavors to Watch for in 2020

20 Flavors to Watch for in 2020

Some Old, Some New—But All Looking To Make A Tasty Splash In The Coming Year As we begin our journey in the New Roaring Twenties, there are many flavors, ingredients, and delectable dishes poised to make their mark in 2020 and beyond. Some you might never have heard...
Slow Roasted Salmon Recipe

Slow Roasted Salmon Recipe

For a brain boost, check out this chef-approved recipe. The slow roasting makes the salmon melt in your mouth. Ingredients:6 tablespoons butter, organic, unsalted softened3 tablespoons bread crumbs2 tablespoons parsley, fresh chopped1...
Good Gut Health

Good Gut Health

Probiotic bacteria, prebiotics, and adequate hydration add up to a healthy gut microbiome (i.e., a healthy gut) You might have heard the oft-quoted expression, “Good health starts in your gut.” And as with many axioms, there is a lot of truth in this saying. Over the...
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