
Nutrition Consulting

Nutrition Consulting for our Personal Chef Clients

The Pickled Beet’s nutrition consulting services are available as an add-on, exclusively to our weekly personal chef meal clients.

We developed this service because many of our clients with complex special dietary restrictions need professional nutrition consulting combined with highly customized menus and meals to help them address challenging and evolving health issues.

Our nutrition consulting services include:

  • An initial hour-long consultation with our Registered Dietician at the onset of your service, to assess your health issues and build a nutrition plan to address them
  • Weekly menus created by the RD (she is also a chef) that will be tailored to your specific nutritional and medical challenges
  • A monthly meeting with the RD to discuss your progress, make adjustments to your plan, share information that will help you navigate your dietary challenges
  • Almost 24/7 access via email to answer questions, provide feedback, and support you in your health journey

Meet Our Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Chef

 Meet Allie McNulty, MS, RD, LDN! She is both a Registered Dietician AND a Professional Chef. She leads our new Nutrition Consulting Service, which is available as an add-on exclusively for our weekly personal chef meal clients.

Originally from Boston, Allie McNulty, MS, RDN, LDN, earned her BS in Dietetics at Framingham State University and her MS at the University of Rhode Island. She completed her Dietetic Internship at Emerson Hospital in Concord, Massachusetts.

During her career, Allie has supported individuals’ mental health through proper nutrition and the development of a healthy relationship with food. She has worked as a clinical dietitian at various medical facilities and operated her own personal chef business for a time.

At The Pickled Beet, she works closely with nutrition consulting clients and our culinary team to implement clients’ unique nutrition plans.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What’s the difference between a Registered Dietician (RD) and a Nutritionist?

    Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, Registered Dietitians (RDs) are the only credentialed nutrition professional. The requirements to earn this credential include:

    • A rigorous bachelor’s degree in dietetics
    • A master’s degree
    • The completion of a 1200-hour highly selective dietetic internship
    • Passing a comprehensive RD exam

    On the other hand, no formal education or requirements are needed to be called a “nutritionist.”

    What if I have my own nutritionist or RD I work with?

    No problem. We frequently work with clients’ trainers, doctors, nutrionists and other health professionals. This new service is not meant to take the place of or compete with existing registered dietitians or nutrtionists our clients have relationships with. Instead, it’s available for our personal chef clients who need nutritional consulting and don’t already have this resource in place.

    Can I work with The Pickled Beet’s Registered Dietician/Nutritionist without being a personal chef client?

    Our nutrition consulting services are designed for and available only as an add-on for our personal chef clients.

    What if I have really complex food allergies and dietary restrictions?

    No problem. Our RD and professional chefs have extensive experience working with clients who have complex dietary needs, such as multiple food allergies, autoimmune disease, celiac disease, cancer, and more.

    How do I get started?

    If you aren’t already a weekly personal chef meal client with The Pickled Beet, please fill out our food questionnaire and then schedule a chef consultation call, so we can get you started.

    If you are an existing personal chef client, please email us at customerservice@thepickledbeet.com or call us at 305-388-3536 to add nutrition consulting to your services.

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